
Get All Rule Details

User can get the details of the number of rules running, stopped and in created state.

  • GET http://<domain name>/ActionModule/v1.0/ruleDetails

  • Click on GET ruleDetails API in swagger and hit Try it out! button , it wil display all the action rule count as below:

 "Created": 3,
 "Started": 10,
 "Stopped": 21

The swagger image for get all rule details is as follows:


Get All Rule Statistics

Users can get detailed statistics of the messages processed by rule.

  • GET http://<domain name>/ActionModule/v1.0/statistics?rule_id={rule_id}&start_time={start_time}&end_time={end_time}

  • Click on GET statistics API in swagger and hit the Try it out! button , it wil display the details of the messages processed by the rule as below:

 "MessageCount": 22,
 "SuccessCount": 15,
 "FailureCount": 7

The swagger image for get all statistics is as follows:



  • If user does not mention the rule ID then API will give the sum of all rule created by the user.

  • If user does not give start time then start time will be considered as rule first start time.

  • If user does not give end time then end time will be considered as current time.

  • Users can give rule ID in comma separated form to get the sum of multiple rules.

Get a SpecificRule Statistics

Users can get the detailed statistics of messages processed by a specific rule.

  • GET http://<domain name>/ActionModule/v1.0/statistics/{rule_id}

  • Click on GET statistics API in swagger and hit Try it out! button, it wil display the details of the messages processed by the rule as below:

 "MessageCount": 3,
 "SuccessCount": 2,
 "FailureCount": 1,
 "AvgHourlyMessageRate": 0.00035444234404536864

The swagger image for get a specific rule statistics is as follows:



The accuracy of the statistics depends on the configuration at the time of installation by Admin. Customer can mention the granularity with which they want to see the statistics.